Thursday, March 25, 2010


Muahahahahaha! Finally got rid of my annoying fringe which I used to enjoy having but I hate it now =.= no idea why hmm.. anyway my hair doesnt look good if it's long so i might as well keep it short yet "hot" hahahaha. Well went to Kim Marrie (i think that's how it's spelled) at time square with jenn her juniors and kok pin haha. Kok Pin just tagged along cause he had nothing to do but appreciate his company wheee~ Had fun teasing Jenn with Sophia and Dilla (again i think that's how her name is spelled hahaha). Gotten my hair cut and it's too damn short I find it but once it grows longer I'm sure it'll look better hehehehhehehe

Well that's all for now, am effing happy cause Astro called me and accepted me to intern with them wheee~ now to finish up my malaysian studies and my to perfect my dance tomorrow so I can give an awesome performance for Battle of the Bands at Sunway Pyramid on sat =) well good luck to all those dancers and performers~

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